H.264 >
Introduction to H.264/AVC Reference Software and x264 Codec
This website introduces the basic concept about video coding. Flow chart and sound recordings of each function in H.264/AVC Reference Software and x264 Codec are drawn and presented. We hope the presented materials could help everyone who needs to get into the reference code easier and has better understanding.
- H.264 x264 Introduction: Introduce H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.264/AVC Reference Software(JM), x264 Codec, and list related links.
- Video Coding Concept: Introduce some techiniques used by H.264/AVC Reference Software and x264 Codec and other video coding standards.
- H.264 JM Flow Chart: Use flow chart to display the functions's relationship in H.264/AVC Reference Software, and list sound recoring links of some important functions.
- x264 Flow Chart: Use flow chart to display the functions's relationship in x264 Codec, and list sound recoring link below each function name.
本站除了對視訊壓縮的基本觀念做簡單的介紹外, 並研究H.264/AVC Reference Software及x264 Codec, 除了畫出詳細的流程圖外, 並包含各函式的影音說明連結, 希望能幫助大家在觀看程式的時候可以更快進入狀況.
- H.264 x264 Introduction: 簡介H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, H.264/AVC Reference Software(JM), x264 Codec, 並提供相關連結.
- Video Coding Concept: 簡介H.264/AVC Reference Software及x264 Codec等視訊壓縮標準中使用的技術.
- H.264 JM Flow Chart: 用流程圖的方式呈現H.264/AVC Reference Software中函式彼此間的呼叫關係, 部分function有附上影音說明連結.
- x264 Flow Chart: 用流程圖的方式呈現x264 Codec中函式彼此間的呼叫關係, 並在下方附上影音說明連結.